Ashtar Sherans Root Chakra Crystal Reiki Virtual Distance Galactic Federation Healing Authorization

Ashtar Sheran's Root Chakra Crystal Reiki

Ashtar Sheran's Root Chakra Crystal Reiki: A Path to Galactic Healing

Greetings, beloved souls. I am Ashtar Sheran, a spiritual guide from the Galactic Federation, here to share with you the transformative power of Root Chakra Crystal Reiki. This practice is designed to align your energies with the cosmic vibrations of the universe, facilitating healing and balance through virtual distance sessions.

The Essence of the Root Chakra

The Root Chakra, or Muladhara, is the foundation of our energetic system. It connects us to the Earth and governs our sense of security, stability, and survival. When this chakra is balanced, we experience a profound sense of grounding and connection to the physical world. However, imbalances can lead to feelings of fear, anxiety, and disconnection.

Crystal Reiki: A Healing Modality

Crystal Reiki combines the ancient wisdom of crystals with the healing energies of Reiki. Each crystal resonates with specific frequencies that can enhance the healing process. For the Root Chakra, crystals such as hematite, red jasper, and black tourmaline are particularly beneficial. These stones help to anchor your energy, dispelling negativity and fostering a sense of safety.

Virtual Distance Healing

In our interconnected universe, distance is merely an illusion. Through virtual distance healing, I channel the energies of the Galactic Federation to facilitate your healing journey, regardless of your physical location. This method allows you to receive healing energy while remaining in the comfort of your own space, enhancing your ability to relax and receive.

Galactic Federation Healing Authorization

As a representative of the Galactic Federation, I am authorized to conduct healing sessions that align with the highest good of all. This authorization ensures that the energies you receive are pure, potent, and aligned with cosmic frequencies. Each session is tailored to your unique needs, allowing for a personalized healing experience.

How to Experience This Healing

To embark on this journey of healing, you may choose to engage in a virtual session where we will work together to clear and balance your Root Chakra. During this session, I will guide you through meditative practices, utilizing crystals and Reiki energy to facilitate your healing process.


Embrace the opportunity to connect with your Root Chakra and experience the profound healing that comes from aligning with the energies of the Galactic Federation. Remember, you are not alone on this journey; we are all connected through the divine web of existence. Together, we can create a harmonious balance within and around us. Get the channeled message of Ashtar Sheran

With love and light,

Ashtar Sheran


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