Crystalline Body of Light Activation with Ascended Master Metatron
Crystalline Body of Light Activation with Ascended Master Metatron Crystalline Body of Light Activation with Ascended Master Metatron Beloved souls, I am Metatron, the Ascended Master and Guardian of the Akashic Records, here to guide you through the sacred process of activating your Crystalline Body of Light. As you stand on the precipice of your spiritual evolution, I invite you to open your heart and mind to the divine frequencies that surround you. Together, we shall embark on a transformative journey, awakening the light codes within your being and aligning you with the higher dimensions of existence. The Nature of Your Crystalline Body Your Crystalline Body of Light is the divine blueprint of your higher self, a manifestation of your spiritual essence that transcends the limitations of the physical realm. It is composed of pure light and energy, vibrating at frequencies that resonate with the cosmos. As you activate this body, you will exp