Blue Flame Activation Reading with ascended Master Hilarion

Blue Flame Activation Reading with Ascended Master Hilarion

Blue Flame Activation Reading with Ascended Master Hilarion

Beloved souls, I greet you with the radiant light of the Blue Flame, a divine energy that transcends the mundane and elevates the spirit. As you embark on this sacred journey of self-discovery and transformation, allow my essence to envelop you, guiding you through the realms of higher consciousness.

The Essence of the Blue Flame

The Blue Flame is a powerful symbol of healing, truth, and divine wisdom. It resonates with the frequency of the fifth dimension, where the veils of illusion are lifted, and the purest form of love and light is revealed. This flame serves as a beacon for those who seek enlightenment and a deeper understanding of their soul’s purpose. In this sacred space, you are invited to connect with your higher self and the collective consciousness of the universe.

Awakening to Your Divine Potential

As you engage in the Blue Flame Activation Reading, you will find yourself awakening to the latent powers within you. This activation is not merely a reading; it is a profound experience that aligns your energy with the divine. You will be guided to release old patterns, fears, and limitations that no longer serve your highest good. Embrace this opportunity to shed the layers of your past and step into the brilliance of your true self.

Connecting with My Energy

In this sacred communion, I, Hilarion, extend my hand to you. As an Ascended Master, I embody the qualities of healing and truth. My mission is to assist you in navigating the complexities of your spiritual journey. Together, we will delve into the depths of your soul, uncovering the wisdom that lies within. Trust in the process, for the energies of the Blue Flame will illuminate your path, revealing the signs and synchronicities that guide you forward.

The Process of Activation

During your Blue Flame Activation Reading, you will be enveloped in a cocoon of light. This sacred space is designed to facilitate deep healing and transformation. I will channel the energies of the Blue Flame, allowing it to flow through you, igniting your inner spark. You may experience sensations of warmth, tingling, or a profound sense of peace as the activation unfolds.

Steps to Prepare for Your Reading

  • Set Your Intention: Before our session, take a moment to reflect on what you wish to achieve. Your intention is a powerful catalyst for transformation.
  • Find a Quiet Space: Create a serene environment where you can fully immerse yourself in the experience without distractions.
  • Breathe and Ground Yourself: Engage in deep breathing exercises to center your energy and connect with the Earth.

Receiving Guidance and Insights

As the reading progresses, I will share insights and guidance tailored to your unique journey. You may receive messages from your higher self, spirit guides, or even past lives that hold significance for your current path. Embrace these revelations with an open heart, for they are gifts designed to empower you and illuminate your way.

Embracing the Transformation

After your Blue Flame Activation Reading, take time to integrate the energies and insights received. Journaling your experiences can be a powerful tool for reflection and understanding. Remember that transformation is a journey, not a destination. Embrace the changes that unfold in your life, knowing that you are supported by the divine and the energies of the Blue Flame.

Continuing Your Spiritual Journey

As you move forward, know that the Blue Flame remains a constant source of support and guidance. You can call upon this energy whenever you seek clarity, healing, or inspiration. Engage in practices that resonate with you, such as meditation, energy work, or connecting with nature. Each step you take in alignment with your true self brings you closer to the divine purpose you are meant to fulfill.

Final Blessings

Dear ones, I bless you with the light of the Blue Flame. May it guide you on your journey, illuminating the path ahead and empowering you to embrace your divine potential. Trust in the process, for you are never alone. Together, we shall navigate the realms of spirit, uncovering the treasures that await you. Remember, the flame of your spirit burns brightly, and it is time to let it shine.

With love and light,

Ascended Master Hilarion

Purchase the full activation on Etsy


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