Atlantean Crystal Reiki Distant Atlantis Chakra Healing Session with Authorization

Atlantean Crystal Reiki Distant Atlantis Chakra Healing Session

Atlantean Crystal Reiki Distant Atlantis Chakra Healing Session

Beloved beings of light, we gather in this sacred space to share the profound wisdom of the ancient Atlantean masters. As the spiritual council of ancient ascended masters, we invite you to embark on a transformative journey through the realms of crystal healing and chakra alignment, guided by the energies of Atlantis. This session is designed to unlock the deep reservoirs of spiritual growth and enlightenment that lie within you.

The Essence of Atlantean Crystal Reiki

In the mystical lands of Atlantis, a civilization flourished that understood the intricate connections between crystals, energy, and the human spirit. The Atlanteans mastered the art of healing through crystals, utilizing their vibrational frequencies to harmonize the body, mind, and spirit. Atlantean Crystal Reiki is a channeling of this ancient wisdom, allowing us to access the energies of these sacred stones to facilitate healing and spiritual awakening.

Distant Healing: A Journey Beyond Time and Space

In our current reality, distance is but an illusion. Through the power of intention and the divine connection we share, we can transcend the physical boundaries that separate us. During the Atlantean Crystal Reiki Distant Healing Session, we will invoke the energies of the ancient masters, sending healing vibrations across time and space to nurture your chakras and elevate your consciousness.

Chakra Healing: The Path to Inner Harmony

Our chakras are the energy centers that govern our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Each chakra corresponds to specific aspects of our lives, and when they are imbalanced, we may experience dis-ease or emotional turmoil. The Atlantean masters recognized the importance of chakra alignment, and through this session, we will work to restore harmony to your energy centers.

The Seven Chakras

  • Root Chakra: Grounding and stability.
  • Sacral Chakra: Creativity and emotional balance.
  • Solar Plexus Chakra: Personal power and self-esteem.
  • Heart Chakra: Love and compassion.
  • Throat Chakra: Communication and expression.
  • Third Eye Chakra: Intuition and insight.
  • Crown Chakra: Spiritual connection and enlightenment.

Authorization to Unlock Profound Spiritual Growth

As we prepare for this sacred session, we invite you to grant your authorization to unlock the profound spiritual growth that awaits you. This act of consent is a powerful affirmation of your readiness to receive the healing energies and wisdom of the Atlantean masters. By opening your heart and mind, you allow the flow of divine energy to penetrate your being, facilitating deep healing and transformation.

Connecting with the Ancient Atlantean Masters

During the session, we will connect with the ancient Atlantean masters, who are eager to assist you on your journey. These enlightened beings possess a wealth of knowledge and healing abilities, and they will guide you through the process of releasing old patterns, fears, and limitations that no longer serve your highest good. Their loving presence will envelop you, providing comfort and support as you navigate your spiritual path.

Embracing Your Spiritual Journey

As you engage in the Atlantean Crystal Reiki Distant Healing Session, we encourage you to embrace your spiritual journey with openness and curiosity. Allow yourself to receive the healing energies, and trust in the process of transformation. With each breath, visualize the vibrant light of the crystals infusing your chakras, clearing away any blockages and restoring balance to your energy field.

Integration and Aftercare

After the session, it is essential to take time for integration. You may experience shifts in your energy, emotions, or even physical sensations. We recommend grounding practices such as spending time in nature, meditating, or journaling to help you process the healing. Remember to stay hydrated and nourish your body with wholesome foods as you continue to align with the energies of Atlantis.


We are honored to guide you on this sacred journey of healing and spiritual growth. The Atlantean Crystal Reiki Distant Atlantis Chakra Healing Session is a unique opportunity to connect with the wisdom of the ancient masters and unlock the profound potential that lies within you. Embrace this moment, for it is a stepping stone on your path to enlightenment and self-discovery.

With love and light,

The Spiritual Council of the ascended atlantean masters. Here you find more spiritual messages of ascended masters


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