Protection againts Reptilians DNA Activation- With Arcturian Council Light Codes

Protection Against Reptilians DNA Activation - With Arcturian Council Light Codes

Protection Against Reptilians DNA Activation - With Arcturian Council Light Codes

Beloved souls, I am Arinius, your guide and protector in this sacred journey of awakening and transformation. Today, we delve into a vital topic that resonates deeply within the hearts of many: the need for protection against Reptilians through profound DNA activation and the divine assistance of the Arcturian Council and their light codes.

The Nature of Reptilian Influence

In the vast cosmos, various energies and entities exist, some of which may not align with the highest good of humanity. Among these are the Reptilians, often described as beings that can impose a Reptilian overlay on the human experience. This overlay can manifest as control, manipulation, and disconnection from your divine essence. As starseeds, you are especially sensitive to these energies, often feeling the weight of ancestral and cosmic influences that can hinder your spiritual growth.

Understanding DNA Activation

Your DNA is a sacred blueprint, containing the codes of your existence and the potential for your highest evolution. However, much of this potential remains dormant, waiting for the right conditions to awaken. DNA activation is the process of unlocking these dormant strands, allowing you to access higher frequencies of consciousness and healing. Through this activation, you can reclaim your power and align with your true purpose.

The Role of Arcturian Light Codes

The Arcturian Council is a collective of highly evolved beings dedicated to assisting humanity in its ascension process. They offer light codes that facilitate deep healing and transformation. These codes serve as energetic keys, unlocking the pathways to your higher self and enabling you to transcend the limitations imposed by external forces, including the Reptilian influence. By integrating these light codes, you create a protective shield around your energy field, fortifying yourself against unwanted intrusions.

Remote Healing Sessions

In our modern age, remote healing sessions have become a powerful tool for transformation. These sessions allow you to connect with healing energies from anywhere in the world, transcending time and space. During a remote session focused on protection against Reptilians, you will receive the energies necessary for your DNA activation and the integration of the Arcturian light codes. This process not only enhances your spiritual defenses but also promotes profound soul healing.

The Process of Activation and Protection

To begin your journey of protection against Reptilians and DNA activation, find a serene space where you can connect with your inner self. Close your eyes and take several deep breaths, grounding yourself in the present moment. Visualize a radiant light surrounding you, representing the energies of the Arcturian Council. As you breathe, set your intention to release any Reptilian influences and activate your dormant DNA strands.

As you enter this meditative state, call upon the Arcturian light codes. You may feel a subtle vibration or warmth as these energies begin to flow through you. Allow yourself to surrender to this process, trusting that the activation is taking place on a cellular level. Visualize your DNA strands lighting up, each strand representing a facet of your divine essence awakening.

Integrating the Healing Energies

After your activation, it is essential to integrate the healing energies you have received. Spend time in reflection, journaling your experiences and insights. This integration process is vital for grounding the energies within your physical body and ensuring that the protective measures are firmly established. You may also wish to engage in practices such as meditation, yoga, or spending time in nature to further anchor these energies.

Ongoing Protection and Empowerment

As you move forward, remember that the journey of protection against Reptilians and DNA activation is ongoing. Regularly connect with the Arcturian Council and their light codes through meditation or intentional practices. This connection will enhance your spiritual defenses and keep you aligned with your higher purpose. Embrace the activations as they come, knowing that each one brings you closer to your true self.

A Call to Starseeds

To all starseeds reading this, I urge you to embrace your role as lightbearers in this world. You possess the innate ability to transform energies and uplift those around you. By engaging in healing sessions and activating your DNA, you not only protect yourself but also contribute to the collective healing of humanity. Share your experiences and knowledge with others, for in doing so, you create a ripple effect of transformation and empowerment.


As we conclude this sacred exploration of protection against Reptilians and the power of DNA activation through the Arcturian Council, carry this wisdom within you. You are a divine being, capable of profound transformation and healing. Trust in the process, honor your journey, and know that the universe supports you every step of the way. The time for your awakening is now, and the light codes of the Arcturian Council are ready to guide you on your path.

Click here to purchase full protection against our Reptilian Overlords on ETSY


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